Monday, July 19, 2010

Can It Be This Easy?

So today was a day of revelations for me. I'm feeling so good with this new way of eating that I've had energy to do all sorts of things I've been wanting to do and haven't taken much time out for reflection. But looking back, I see some very nice changes. I've been waking up around 6:00 without an alarm and feeling good! I don't seem to have brain fog in the morning, either. I noticed today after I washed my hair when I went to put the product in my hair that makes it shine, I didn't need it!! My hair has taken on a gleam it hasn't had before. There I am saving money again on hair products. And not to be indelicate, but it looks like the "gas crisis" is over in this house!!! Everything seems to be in tip-top working order.

I ran to the market to pick up some food, and I smiled when the cashier said, "You got all that food for so little money!" I told her that's what happens when you Live the Life. I knew that more processed foods cost more at the checkout, but have you thought about how it costs once it gets into you? Poor eating habits can cause all kinds of illnesses with visits to doctors and prescriptions. But sometimes you just feel bad or can't sleep, so you buy over the counter solutions like pain relievers, sleeping pills, antacids, anti-diarrhea medicines, laxatives, or any number of drugs. When all we have to do is eat wholesome foods and do a little exercise and , voila, you can push those medicines to the back of the medicine cabinet and put useful things like nail polish and lipstick in front!!

Oh, and by the way, I lost another pound today! Not that I'm weighing myself everyday, you shouldn't do that, but I was feeding the cat and the scale slid out and I thought, "What the hay." Nice way to start off a Monday. Check out if you want to join me on this awesome journey. Yes, it can be that easy!

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