Saturday, August 7, 2010

Another One Bites the Dust!

I've just finished Week 2 of my Kristi Approved Live the Life program and I've lost another 2 pounds. My overall weight loss since I discovered KA in mid July is 17 pounds! Also, another dress size bit the dust and I'm in a new smaller size I haven't seen in years. New clothes here I come! I'm surprised at the changes in my world now. I get in and out of the car easier. I get in and out of restaurant booths easier. I dash up stairs easier and putting on and lacing up my shoes is easier. Life is just easier at a smaller size! And it's happier. I feel great, sleep great, and seem to be always on the go. It's hard to settle down and blog because it's sedentary. I'm making a dress for a wedding I will be attending next Saturday, and I had to wait to make it because I'm getting smaller every week! If an easier lifestyle with more energy is what you crave, join me at and start Living the Life. Henry James said, "It's time to start living the life you've imagined."

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