I treated myself to a mini-makeover with a mani-pedi and new hairdo. When I'm out I seem to always have a silly grin on my face. Like I know a wonderful secret that nobody else knows. Even if I hadn't lost any weight, I sleep wonderful, have loads of energy, and feel great. That feeling great part is huge and makes all the things the world throws at you seem smaller and easier to deal with. Stuff happens everyday, but it's the way you deal with it that says volumes about your character and who you are. It's amazing that this part of your life, your eating part, can have so much impact on how you view yourself and others. For me, I see that I was a compulsive eater and used food to numb me so I didn't have to feel things I didn't want to feel or deal with. It was my drug of choice and one that's acceptable in our society. Which, by the way, is the most overweight society in the world. We Americans are also crazy high for the number of cases of Adult Onset Diabetes (type 2), which is mainly caused by being overweight and sedentary. It runs in my dad's side of the family and I don't want to join that group. So I am moving more and eating less. I want to be able to dance at my grandkids' weddings and bust a move instead of breaking a hip! I want to participate and embarrass my grandchildren instead of being the the little old lady in the corner munching on cake!!! Don't they have a lot to look forward to.
The "Aha" moment that turned me around was getting on the Live the Life program by Kristi Approved. If you're game and want to get back in the game, go to www.kristiapproved.com and join. Then you can fire Omar, too!
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