Saturday, August 28, 2010
Being Legal
Well folks, I've lost 3 pounds this past week for a total loss of 25 pounds! I now weigh what is printed on my driver's license. I'm legal! I'm now entering week 6 on my Live the Life program and I'm looking forward to the waffles, the egg-turkey breakfast muffin, banana pancakes, shrimp and potatoes and all the wonderful recipes for this week. Each week seems to get better and better. The family and I have found some new favorite dishes because of the program. Not only delicious but good for you. When I make anything now, portion size and clean eating come second nature to me. This has been a busy and rewarding week for me. I still am feeling the best I have in years and enjoying altering my clothes and buying new clothes. It just seems to get better and better.
clean eating,
Kristi Approved,
Live the Life,
weight loss
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Sewing Skills
Well, here I am beginning week 5 of my Live the Life program and I've lost 3 pounds this week! That's a total of 22 pounds! I'm still surprised on Saturday mornings when I weigh myself and find I've lost weight after eating so well and so much all week. Of course I don't need the scale to tell me I'm getting smaller, my clothes are shouting that at me. I went on a shopping excursion with my daughter, Katie, and bought 5 new pairs of pants. I am a fairly good seamstress and can alter clothes easily, but good trouser pants (for work) need to fit well. So I'm taking in tops and shorts but I thought I'd better just buy my pants. It was so gratifying to try them on in a smaller size and they fit, comfortably!!! I have been going to thrift stores and buying some of my clothes because, I know in a few months, I'm going to need smaller sizes again! And all that shopping is burning calories. Yea, I like retail exercise!
People have been noticing the changes in me and it feels so good. Still feeling great, have lots of energy, and sleeping very well. As a matter of fact, my husband's even sleeping better. Not because of his eating program, but because of my lack of snoring!!!!!!! I know, that's an overshare but these are wonderful things that you can experience, too, if you want. Come along with me and enjoy a peaceful night's rest (for you and your partner) by joining Live the Life at I was having a moment of discouragement (only a brief moment) this past week and out of the blue, Trish Allen, co-founder of the Live the Life program, called me. Her warm exuberance just washed over me and put me right back on track! What wonderful personal service. I think of Trish and Kristi more like mentor-friends than the knowledgeable, capable business owners-teachers that they are. I am looking forward to more wonderful discoveries as my new body emerges. Peeling away the layers of fat, opens you up to so many possibilities. I see many wonderful opportunities ahead for me. Won't you join me?
People have been noticing the changes in me and it feels so good. Still feeling great, have lots of energy, and sleeping very well. As a matter of fact, my husband's even sleeping better. Not because of his eating program, but because of my lack of snoring!!!!!!! I know, that's an overshare but these are wonderful things that you can experience, too, if you want. Come along with me and enjoy a peaceful night's rest (for you and your partner) by joining Live the Life at I was having a moment of discouragement (only a brief moment) this past week and out of the blue, Trish Allen, co-founder of the Live the Life program, called me. Her warm exuberance just washed over me and put me right back on track! What wonderful personal service. I think of Trish and Kristi more like mentor-friends than the knowledgeable, capable business owners-teachers that they are. I am looking forward to more wonderful discoveries as my new body emerges. Peeling away the layers of fat, opens you up to so many possibilities. I see many wonderful opportunities ahead for me. Won't you join me?
clean eating,
Kristi Approved,
Live the Life,
weight loss
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Omar, You're Fired!
I treated myself to a mini-makeover with a mani-pedi and new hairdo. When I'm out I seem to always have a silly grin on my face. Like I know a wonderful secret that nobody else knows. Even if I hadn't lost any weight, I sleep wonderful, have loads of energy, and feel great. That feeling great part is huge and makes all the things the world throws at you seem smaller and easier to deal with. Stuff happens everyday, but it's the way you deal with it that says volumes about your character and who you are. It's amazing that this part of your life, your eating part, can have so much impact on how you view yourself and others. For me, I see that I was a compulsive eater and used food to numb me so I didn't have to feel things I didn't want to feel or deal with. It was my drug of choice and one that's acceptable in our society. Which, by the way, is the most overweight society in the world. We Americans are also crazy high for the number of cases of Adult Onset Diabetes (type 2), which is mainly caused by being overweight and sedentary. It runs in my dad's side of the family and I don't want to join that group. So I am moving more and eating less. I want to be able to dance at my grandkids' weddings and bust a move instead of breaking a hip! I want to participate and embarrass my grandchildren instead of being the the little old lady in the corner munching on cake!!! Don't they have a lot to look forward to.
The "Aha" moment that turned me around was getting on the Live the Life program by Kristi Approved. If you're game and want to get back in the game, go to and join. Then you can fire Omar, too!
clean eating,
Kristi Approved,
Live the Life,
weight loss
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Another One Bites the Dust!
I've just finished Week 2 of my Kristi Approved Live the Life program and I've lost another 2 pounds. My overall weight loss since I discovered KA in mid July is 17 pounds! Also, another dress size bit the dust and I'm in a new smaller size I haven't seen in years. New clothes here I come! I'm surprised at the changes in my world now. I get in and out of the car easier. I get in and out of restaurant booths easier. I dash up stairs easier and putting on and lacing up my shoes is easier. Life is just easier at a smaller size! And it's happier. I feel great, sleep great, and seem to be always on the go. It's hard to settle down and blog because it's sedentary. I'm making a dress for a wedding I will be attending next Saturday, and I had to wait to make it because I'm getting smaller every week! If an easier lifestyle with more energy is what you crave, join me at and start Living the Life. Henry James said, "It's time to start living the life you've imagined."
clean eating,
Kristi Approved,
Live the Life,
weight loss
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