Well, this ol' gal is giving blogging a go. I started this mainly to give me a place to post my musings about what's happening in my life and going gluten-free in my diet. What does that mean, you say? Well, I have a condition that necessitates me eliminating all gluten from my diet. Gluten is the elastic substance in wheat, rye, and barley, and is used extensively in food additives. Ever try to make cookies without wheat flour? Very interesting. Gluten is in tomato soup, taco seasoning mix, soy sauce, and, of course, pasta, just to name a few. Gluten is everywhere. It's the second most used additive in western food, sugar being the first. But since nearly one-tenth of Americans are now being diagnosed with gluten sensitivities, food manufacturers are getting on the band wagon and producing more gluten-free (GF) foods. Wal-Mart even has a GF food section! Now that's progress. I tried some GF brownies for the 4th of July. They were O.K. but no fireworks!! I made GF blueberry muffins this morning, and they were pretty good, if my family's tastebuds are to be trusted. I find that shopping takes so much longer because I have to read all the labels. There is only one brand of canned chicken I can buy at the market because all the others have some form of wheat in them. Modified food starch and MSG are my nemesis. Thank goodness for the new labeling laws the FDA enacted. I have found all kinds of products marked "Gluten-Free". I don't care what it is, I buy it. I'll learn to love whatever it is. Actually, this lifestyle forces you to eat fresher and rely less on prepared foods. I have lost weight, have more energy, sleep better, and just have a happier attitude. It's pretty neat. But there are days I wish I could just have a Big Mac! Instead, Darrell barbeques burgers and I make my own double decker. Anyway, my pantry is GF now and I can't grab a Pop Tart anytime I want, but instead I'll grab my special GF crackers, tortilla chips, or some GF cookies. So you see, not all vices have been taken away, just replaced with GF ones.
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